Woolly Mammoth, Short-faced Bear, and American Lion Graphics | Blue Rhino Studio
I designed and illustrated panel graphics for natural history museum features including fossil skeletons, artifacts and dioramas. The graphic panels accompany exhibits also built by Blue Rhino Studio, including dioramas, freestanding sculpture, and painted friezes. These first three panels are in the museum's entryway and most are printed on translucent material with back-lighting so they glow in the dim museum lighting. The graphic design and Illustrations are my own, and some of the writing as well. My apologies for any inaccurate information. (©Blue Rhino Studio)
I designed and illustrated panel graphics for natural history museum features including fossil skeletons, artifacts and dioramas. The graphic panels accompany exhibits also built by Blue Rhino Studio, including dioramas, freestanding sculpture, and painted friezes. These first three panels are in the museum's entryway and most are printed on translucent material with back-lighting so they glow in the dim museum lighting. The graphic design and Illustrations are my own, and some of the writing as well. My apologies for any inaccurate information. (©Blue Rhino Studio)